Retirement Portfolio Net Worth – As of March 1 -2018
Well this certainly wasn’t a bragging month for me. Overall my retirement portfolio was down a whopping $7,300 due to the correction in the markets. Although that number seems large it only represents about 1.5% of my stock market assets. I’m currently in the process of revamping my portfolio as my annual returns have been slowly creeping down. The main cause of this is that over the years I’ve accumulated too many holding to generate much (if any) alpha. I’ve basically created my own index fund. Additionally, as the portfolio has grown I’m finding it hard to be very nimble as a 5% position is now close to $25,000 which would take me approx a year to save up. As a result, whenever opportunities arise I’m only able to take a 1 to 2% position which really isn’t enough to move the needle. So, in the coming months I’m going to be reviewing my portfolio and either divesting, or adding to any of my positions that represent less than 2% of my portfolio. I expect this process ...